Monday, October 31, 2022

Madd Max Trick-Or-Treats

The house by night.
The trick-or-treating crew: Val - Tuesday Addams, Ava - Briar Rose, Imani - Referee, Izzy - Ash from Sing, Audrey - Leopard, Max - Bush.
The big kids with the bush in vertical form.
There they go, sans adults, until Taisie realized Izzy was joining the big kids for a bit, then they became kids plus one adult.
Sam's fog.
Some of the great houses on the block.
This one had a little kid maze.
Max came back from trick-or-treating after only hitting one block because he wanted to do this.  He did know he was not allowed to scare the little kids, so for them, he became the bush who sat up and waved hi.
Checking out the spoils.
A successful evening for the adults and kids alike.

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