Saturday, July 28, 2018

The Scrapper Has A Birthday Party

Max forewent a big party to get a WiiU, and instead had a mini with Evan, Imani and Phoenix.
The boys.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Madd Max Has 10 and 9 Year-Old Stats

Weight - 78.4 lbs
Height - 58 1/4"

Weight - 64.2 lbs
Height - 52 1/2"

Sunday, July 22, 2018

The Scrapper Turns 9

Before getting to the airport, Max had lamented traveling on his birthday. Then, he got to pick out his birthday lunch, and things got better.
Taisie told the gate staff that it was Max's birthday.
Things got even better.
At the end of the flight, he got to sit in the pilot's seat.
And at home, presents.
And ice cream cake.
Happy Birthday, our big 9-year-old!

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Madd Max Celebrate Max's 9th

With Page Birthday Cake, whose candles kept blowing out on the walk to the table.
A paper plate shield was erected.
Soon, present opening success.
Followed by Bey Blade Battles.
And snakes.
To end the evening - a little piano.  Taisie put musical note stickers onto the keys  so that the kids could begin playing actual songs.  They loved it, and the adults loved hearing something other than finger mashing on the piano.

Friday, July 20, 2018

Slappy Climbs Page Hill

Meanwhile, back in NH - Victory!

Madd Max Wraps Up The Fire Island Night

Both Aiden and Dozee were actually both enjoying this.
Looking at the moon, Mars, the rings of Saturn and Jupiter's moons through a fancy telescope.
Jess' parents and Tio Greg saw her off on the 9:50 ferry.
The ride back to Bay Shore was the perfect end to a great day.

Madd Max Heads To Fire Island

On Tuesday, Mimi texted that she was making lasagna for the family's weekend at Fire Island.  On Friday, Jess drove down for the day and surprised her parents with this picture of her at the top of the Ocean Beach block.  Mimi's response, "Dad asks when it was."  Then Jess walked in the back door.
Then it was down to the beach, where Aunt Tara was the first to spot her.  It was Clara's first time at the ocean, and Jess was able to see her in the water, jump over waves with Sonia and jump waves with Aiden.
Sonia squeezed lemons with Mimi for Fire Island Ice Tea.
Then Tia Jess and Tio Greg arrived just in time for ice cream.
And Clara headed to bed.  Sort of.
Wagonning at it's best.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Madd Max Heads To The Theater

In matching-ish dresses from Taisie.  
Please note, the girls are trying to emulate a photo taken from the day, shown below, that hangs in Taisie's bathroom.  Both girls were in matching dresses and looking blankly off as babies are apt to do.
The matching day from 9 years ago.
Kid smiles.
Then it was dinner at Dale's.
Where the kids behaved very well and felt very adult.
Then it was over to see We Have Always Lived In The Castle. The highpoint for Jess was when the stuffed animal dog (that was representing a taxidermied one) got stabbed with a knife.  (The show is not meant to be perceived as a comedy and yet...)

Madd Max Hits The Water Holes

But first, the tree swing.
Heron Pond was stop #1.
Where the water was teeming with tadpoles.
Like really teeming - all of those black spots are tadpoles.
The kids brought a bucket of tadpoles back to the house, and by the 2nd day, some of them were developing legs.
Tadpole audience.
Then it was back to Chocorua Lake for some canoeing.
And swimming, fully clothed.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Madd Max Celebrates

A succesful hike with some ice cream from The Other Store.
After which, time was spent knocking over the cairns in the Swift River.
Along with building new rock piles.
Followed by a porch dinner with Super Nachos and fresh corn.
The evening culminating in sparklers.
And hugs.

Madd Max Hikes The Mount Willard Trail

 Which started by a train station in Crawford Notch State Park.
 Crossing a stream.
The trail was thru the woods, until you emerged to this view at the very top.
 Not a bad spot for lunch.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Madd Max Head To Another Barn

It was a rainy day when Jess arrived, so she and the kids headed to the local Pizza Barn, where Sam fondly remembered root beer served in frosty mugs.  Root beer was had, but sadly, in normal glasses.  It appeared that Pizza Barn now only serves actual beer in frosty mugs, the younger generation never to know those joys of the past.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Madd Max Head To Monkey Trunks

For the annual visit.
To the Black Course!
 Which this time, Max finished as well (the girls finished it twice).
 Free bird.
Hot much?
After completion, the sweaty crew decided it was necessary to make an ice cream stop at the local Friendlys.