Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Madd Max Heads To Bumpass Hell

A hike in Northern CA that allows you to walk by boiling springs and mud pots.  The Ioniq is teeny tiny in the background if you look closely.
Super cool landscape.
With steam vents and mud that was getting tossed in the air.
The colors were wild.
See those,  perhaps strained, smiles.  At this point in the trip, Sam and Jess were still learning about road tripping w an EV.  They had reached the start of the hike with 92 miles left and knew they had over 100 till the next charge.  The last half hour of the drive to the hike and the return to the car were tense.
As it turned out - the drive to the next charger started with a long downhill slope, where the car gained 6 miles and didn't lose any mileage for at least 40 miles.  A beer and dinner at Basshole Brews came next, where Sam ordered sautéed brussel sprouts and got deep fried, breaded green beans instead.  Followed by a 35 minute charge as the night grew long.

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