Monday, September 8, 2008

Slappy Meets Gwen's Dad

And this is him! Uncle David drove from Austin to Chocorua with only Tulip, their fuzzy family member, for company. While not a great conversationalist, she did stay by his side, even if it meant she smelled like cheap motel rooms by the end of the trip.
Per Aunt Rachel's request, the smell of motel room needed to be removed. Through a crafty game of fetch, Tulip was bathed in Heron Pond, all the while believing she was merely enjoying one of her favorite pasttimes.
While also enjoying the pond, Sam and Grandpa Toby discussed the Coase Theorem and it's flaws. Jess and Maddie looked for sticks for Tulip, an equally mentally demanding activity.
The last night in Chocorua ended with another sink bath; Uncle David stepping in at the end with a warm towel. Maddie then had a 6 hour sleeping stretch, which mistakenly led her mom to believe she was reaching a new stage. (This was proved incorrect the following night where she showed she can still enjoy getting up every 2 hours).

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