Monday, January 29, 2024

Madd Max Get K-Town Chicken

Auntie Jamie convinced Jess and Aarin out for a weekday lunch at Pollo a la Brasa, after getting a rec from a friend.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

The Scrapper Has A Last Game

(Before the playoffs).  The Cougars final score: 2-7.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Madd Max Go To F & Bar

A speakeasy that specializes in small bites paired with small cocktails.  The night started with a kumquat and frozen Aperol.
The bar can only hold 12 people so each course was prepped like so.
The courses that followed were amazing.  Like this oyster with basil and a rhubard and curry drink.
And this burrata with meaty cracker over Midori - who would've thunk.
Sam and Jess' favorite - a salmon tartar over a drink infused with sesame oil.
A great birthday date night.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Madd Max Gets Chili

From Tio Greg, who brought it over for family dinner.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Slappy Hits Otherworld

An immersive art experience.
This is with no filter.
Madd said she never knew the world could actually be in black and white (or sepia).
Making art on the walls. 
Cool hall.  The pictures that Uncle Wills kept sending, made Jess think of Meow Wolf.  Madd liked that here you could touch everything.
The lone traveler heads out.
And back at the ranch, Jess' new extended lazy susan was tried out for dinner.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Slappy Enjoys 13 Degrees

With some Aunt, Uncle and Cousin inner tubing.
Luckily, Aunt Ally let Madd borrow her pants and boots for the very cold and enjoyable 2 hours.

The evening's events included a Mexican restaurant and an escape room.
Meanwhile, Max had another game which was tight - ending up with a score of 3-1(Cougars) after they pulled their goalie in the last minute.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Slappy Heads To Columbus

For a weekend with Uncle Wills and Aunt Ally.
The California girl meets icicles after Uncle Wills got her some sushi for lunch.
Fun at COSI in their throwback exhibit.  She asked Uncle Wills if this is what the 80s were like.
And later, the arrival of Aiden, followed by pizza and some anime watching.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Madd Max Continues The Birthday Celebrations

Over at Taisie's house with dinner and presents.

Monday, January 15, 2024

Madd Max Hits The Emmys

Drew was the Screens Producer for the Emmys this year, and got Aarin two tickets to the event.  This also meant Jess would see all of the producers from Daisy, since this night is for the actors and producers.  They first found Will, one of the Showrunners.
Then James, one of the Directors.
Nzingha, the Director who Jess went to NOLA with.
Aarin and Jess got seated with The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, and the rest of the late night shows.
Which meant after their category was announced, everyone headed off to the lobby for drinks, leaving Aarin and Jess in a sea of empty seats.
At the Governor's Gala Round 2 with Mandi and a bunch of the Daisy band members - Josh (Eddie), Sam (Billy) and Will (Graham).
Also these guys, Adam and Brian, who designed the Emmys.
One last party to hit, the Amazon Daisy after party at A.O.C. before heading home.  This night was a blast.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Madd Max Celebrates 48

Jess woke up to a bed present and an Uno.
Birthday presents on the dining room table.
Fresh cinammon rolls in the kitchen.
More tandem lego builds.
A visit from Kears and Todd's college friend Beth, who turns out to be Sam and Jess' backyard neighbor.
Birthday Sugarfish lunch.
Which was the kids' first time, in many years, eating actual sushi, not just California rolls.  Both kids dug it.  Maddie said she wants to go back. Max was more lukewarm.
The day wrapped up with an adults only birthday dinner.  Not too shabby.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Madd Max Gets Some Higgins-Vaziri

Todd left early for a day of VFX Oscar voting.
While Dexter and Max chilled on the sofa, playing videos games.
Maya and Maddie worked on legos.
Jess and Kearsley took a walk around the neighborhood.
And Max's team played a game with the final score of 3-5.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Madd Max Gets Some Flowers

From Taisie, who requested they feel like Daisy Jones.
And Larie, who both sent them for the Emmys and amazingly remembered Jess' birthday from 20 years ago.
Jess also received the news that her team had been nominated for Best Production Design for a Television Movie or Limited Series for the Art Directors Guild Awards. Pretty great end to the Emmys weekend.