Saturday, July 22, 2023

The Scrapper Turns 14

Mini banana chocolate chip muffins for breakfast.
Morning presents.
Opening with your non-dominant hand makes it all last a little longer.
Birthday paperwork.
For this buckle fracture, gotten from falling on the ice while practicing with his Coach.
After getting the xray - this was Uncle Wills response: There are so many bones in the human body. Glad you went to a Dr.
14!  Complete with cast.
Tio Greg and Tia Jess stopped by to pick up the last of their things, including their cats, and brought Max a Sunny D (and some pokemon) for a mid-morning treat.
Next up, a visit from Ava, who brought over homemade cake pops and some strawberry milk with strawberry poppin' boba (extra sweet).
Shake Shack lunch.  Max was already so full of sweet, he declined an actual shake.
Then it was over to the Leonhardts, where this very pretty salad was served.
And ice cream ("You put (one of) the M's in MEME") cake was had. 
Happy Birthday to our teen!

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