Sunday, April 12, 2020

Madd Max Has A Happy Easter

 Baskets from the bunny.
 Peep waffle.
The scavenger hunt got even harder this year, this time taking the kids about 40 minutes to complete.
The actual answer to the clue was binoculars - not Jess' glasses.
Max has a love/hate relationship with every clue.  He enjoys the hunt, but gets frustrated quickly if it gets challenging.  It has been this way always.
 Followed by, the backyard Easter Egg Hunt.  Normally, the Findley Egg Hunt follows, but this time the kids stayed in pajamas all day and we all just talked about missing it.
 Even The Countess got in on things.
 Hunting in the time of Corona.
 Taisie watched from an appropriate social distance.
Wrapping up with the stuffing the mouth and sorting of the candy.

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