Sunday, November 17, 2019

Madd Max Has A Happy Friendsgiving

Because Cali is warm and there's a backyard that one can have dinner in, a Friendsgiving was in order.
 Even the newest member of our group, baby Greta came to appetize on a Cheese plate/Bread and chimichurri sauce/Stuffed mushrooms.
 The kids sat on the couches on the patio - this is the adult's table.
This plate doesn't do justice to all the yum that was there.
Turkey/Cranberry sauce/Stuffing/Mashed potatoes/Green bean casserole/Rice Pilaf/Butternut squash salad/Mozzarella and beet salad/Creamed spinach/Fennel and beet salad/Zucchini and tomato salad.
 The kids also played in the backyard.
 Until they headed inside.
 For some Life of Pets 2.
 After which followed the Holly Rose passagiato - where the adults took to the streets for a walk around the block before dessert.
Dessert table - Rum cake/Peanut butter pie/Rosemary cookies/Pecan pie/Pumpkin pie/Baklava.
Elizabeth sang her original "Thanksgiving" song, switching it up to suit the occasion, now called "Friendsgiving."
And Maddie followed dessert with a turkey leg, learning that she really loves dark meat.
Just a little taste.
This says it all.

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