Friday, July 5, 2019

Madd Max Head To Kahalu'u Again

But first a Dozee scavenger hunt for Max's birthday.
This time the Bloomfield Kenders joined the team, as did an aggressive fish which bit Ant Uncle, Aiden and Jess, and scared Maddie so much she refused to snorkel for the rest of the day.
Trying to catch fish.
Exploring the pools.
Sam and Jess remembered eating of the food truck at the beach that last time they had visited, and it being the best food they had the entire time in Kona (the bar was not high, as the hotel's food was terrible).  It seemed important to enjoy it again.
The kids requested a shaved ice, and chose the nauseating combo of banana, bubble gum and root beer.
That's what happens when it all melts together.
Then it was time for a little relaxing - some reading.
Some cards.

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