Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Slappy Settles In At OSS

Madd with her cabin mates.  According to Maddie, the best part of OSS was the cabin with it's space heaters and the feeling of curling up in a warm nook.
Outside the cabin, where it was a lot colder than she had anticipated.
On Wednesday, just before lunch, a text got sent out saying that all the OSS kids would be returning home that day.  Because of the incoming snow, the call was made to get the kids back, before the roads became dangerous. While Maddie enjoyed OSS more than she had anticipated, she didn't mind the trip ending early at all.  Max, however, was in tears realizing that his week, filled with one-on-one time with Natalie, his parents, and Taisie had come to an abrupt end.

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