Thursday, May 21, 2009

Slappy Says A Fond Farewell

But first, a very fond hello! To Uncle Wills, who is in for a week-long visit, now that he is officially done with his high school career (and getting ready for the move to Columbia University in the fall). We met up with Tim and Edith at SeƱor Fish for some fine LA Mexican for lunch.
And realized that for Maddie to acknowledge a baby, the baby must make some sort of movements. For example, Elizabeth - a newborn, mostly a curled up ball - not yet worthy of acknowledgment (in fact, we're not even sure Maddie realized she was an animate object). Edith - a more mature 2 months, has visible limbs, and spends some time noticing her environment - is fun to grab the feet of.
It was in the evening when our farewell took place, celebrated with friends, Alison, Brian, Jamie and Jeremy. Good bye, fine dining room! You served us well.
We had our last dinner on this table in this house, as it is now time for this room to move on and grow - into it's next incarnation - the family playroom. Oh, yeah.

1 comment:

Taisie said...

Oh no! A playroom (or--our bedroom maybe. Gads--things are REALLY changing.