Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Slappy Knows That, Yes We Can!

On election morning, Mom, Dad and Maddie went to vote at the local rec center. Maddie was excited at the chance to let her voice be heard, and "helped" Mom choose how to vote on Prop 5, through a hefty bump of hand. Sadly, she is not very familiar with many of the issues, and caused Mom to have to get another ballot.Then it was over to the Findley household, for an election night dinner and poll-watching party.To quell our churning stomachs, we watched the Daily Show on a slight delay, until a call from Sam's folks that Barack had won the election!Champagne was uncorked, and we all celebrated the triumph of hope and change.
Even ELF got in on the action.
It was an amazing feeling as we watched Barack give his acceptance speech. Some of us cried - all of us smiled. It was a night to remember, and four years to look forward to.

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