Saturday, May 31, 2008

Slappy Has an Enigma

Maddie received this handmade quilt from Liza Mae Chadwick. It is more than just a cool design out of black velvet and canvas - the pattern has meaning. Can you figure it out?
Oscar did in minutes and claimed it as his own - after all, it's all about coordination.


Unknown said...

Come on, ask me a *hard* one!

Aiden via Anthony said...


huh dad??

Unknown said...

Well, yes, I could decode it if it were in base 64, except that you messed up the encoding: your message ends in "ID8" and it is missing a character!

Nevertheless, Dr. Dedo figured it out!

Unknown said...

P.S. the missing character is "g"

Unknown said...

Two additional items:

1) Anthony did *not* mess up the message; my home computer has a narrow screen and clipped off the end of it. My apologies.

2) The quilt seems to be inspired by the Coldplay album cover for "X&Y", and, like the quilt, was mistaken for a stylized version of Tetris. Surprisingly, *Coldplay* messed up their code, too. (It literally reads "X9Y" instead.)
