Saturday, April 5, 2008

Slappy Networks with the Right People

"Hey, what's that?" asks Tano.
"Why, I made it - with Jess' help, exactly two weeks ago!" declares Sam."It's neat, but how did you make it?" questions John."John, we'll have to have a serious talk when we get home," says Erin from across the porch."Looks trainable," says animal-trainer, Greg."Looks like she may read and access information one day," says librarian, Holly Rose."Looks less germy than the older kind," says child-care specialist, Suzanne.
"Looks like she has a sense of high design - you can tell from the stylish hat," determines production designer, Kathleen."Looks like I can handle a baby brother or sister," says just-about-two-year-old, Lilly with her Mom, Marissa (or maybe she really said, "Lilly hold Maddie, Mommy.")
"Looks like I could do this," says 6-months pregnant, Aarin."Looks perfect," says Taisie.
As Maddie was getting around, Lilly, who had been chilling with Dad, Steve, began to notice something going on in the backyard.
What could cause Aidan to behave in this manner?
Zach and Greta, interested, watch this behavior continue.
Aidan's Dad, Brian, seems unconcerned.
Even when Aidan seems to be engaging in his own prisoner transfer of Alison.
It's not torture for Alison - it's torture for Spongebob! Why, Spongebob, Sam? Why?
Greta rejoices as candy falls from a massacred Spongebob.
Lilly joins the celebration.

And for those of you who are worried that perhaps all the smashing of bright yellow, candy-filled objects kept Maddie from making the rounds of the social circuit, fear not. She spent quality time with Auntie Jamie, met Rachel, who is one month away from making her own tiny person, spent time with the Chadwicks, where she seemed to fit into just one of Arthur's hands and was quite comfy, and said hello to Scott, who will later teach her how to win her own Emmy.See - she's as big as Arthur's hand. Liza Mae is obviously impressed.
Maddie also got to spend time with Mimi and Madrina Francoise. Ok - that's a lie (I got it from my Grandma!)- she just wished she had. The Mimi part is true - Francoise is actually in Miami this weekend (this is from when Maddie was just one day old), but since Maddie wanted her there - we thought we would stick this in.

1 comment:

Will said...

Wow that was a lot of people. I bet she was tired by the end of the day.