Sunday, March 31, 2024

Slappy Knows Just What To Say

To Jess, feeling guilty about being so far away.

Madd Max Cons and Hunts

Maddie slept over at Tio Greg and Tia Jess' where cousin bubble fun was had.
This was so they could be prepped for an early leave the next day for Wondercon, where Tio and Tia dressed up as Rocket Grunts, Chase as Ekans, and Madd as Ash.
Poke fab.
Meanwhile, back at the Findleys, the Easter egg hunt was on.
As was the Easter spread.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Madd Max Drinks Alone

Jess headed to Lightfoot and Wolfville for some wine tasting.
Which pairs nicely with work and meatballs.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Madd Max Explores Halifax

On her first weekend in the Skosh, Jess took a walk thru the city, starting by the foggy Citadel.
Past a baseball field covered in seagulls.
Thru a park with this cool structure.
Labeled oars.
And even though it had been snowing this week, she saw the first crocuses, which always make her think of Mimi.
She landed at an "Italian-American" restaurant for dinner, where she read Auntie Jamie's book, "So You Want to Move to Canada, eh?"
She also learned about this - Clamato, a popular adult beverage.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Madd Max Continues On

With Sam sending shots of the goings on while Jess is in the Skosh aka Sam's film school, where he shows the kids his favorite classics.
Serious shot practice.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Slappy Has A Track Meet

Her stats:

100 meter hurdles - 7 of 7 with a time of 22.01

Long Jump - 7 of 10 with a length of 12-7.5

Pole vault - 2nd place - 7' - a PR

Triple Jump -  10 of 10 with a length of 25-7.5

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Madd Max Gets Some Kitty Face

Sam sent Jess these so she missed home less.
Silly cat faces.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Madd Max Has A Flying Buddy

Taisie was headed to Montreal to meet up with Aunt Rachel and Gwen.  Jess had a layover in Montreal.  This meant a carpool and a lounge hang together.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Madd Max Celebrates Some More

A little sleepover with Seth.
And then some hanging with the crew and Chase.  Caroline really got him.
Aarin made Maddie's "cake" since she doesn't actually like cake.  Jess made Fiona's.
Some of the best faces.
Some of the other best faces.
A little song.
A little birthday partying.

Madd Max Gets More Joy

Banana chocolate muffins - a Viélot-González favorite.
And then Jess got to meet this guy, brand new Jack.
Samantha and Robin's new son!

Friday, March 22, 2024

Slappy Turns 16

How did this happen?
And here to celebrate with her, Tante and Lucia!!
The ladies went downtown to Perch.
For fancy drinks, apps and a view.
Stunners, both of them.
Her birthday cake got a little squished in the freezer, so mods were made.
Happy 16 to our daughter.  You are amazing.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Slappy Celebrates 16

Her actual birthday being packed with things, Maddie decided to do her family celebrations a day before, starting with the morning crepes.
And some presents.
And some more from Taisie.
Poquito Mas for lunch.
Sugarfish for dinner.  That's a happy Birthday girl.

Madd Max Preps

Sam had to work on the day of Maddie's Birthday celebrations.  Her breakfast request was for crepes.  He prepped the night before.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Madd Max Has A Dual Playdate

Max and Ava got sent to Sam and Jess' room.
So that Madd and Kayla could have their privacy in the kitchen.

Monday, March 18, 2024

Madd Max Gets Spoiled

Nothing better than Guilt Mom when she gets home.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Madd Max Gets In Some Quality Time

With these guys before heading back to the far reaches of Canada.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Madd Max Returns To La-La

En route, she had the option to buy, take thru security and carry on her lap a live lobster from the Halifax Airport.
What a nice sight to see.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Madd Max Gets More Nova Scotia

And this time, with more Jin.
This is where both of them learned that Nova Scotians put peanut butter on their hamburgers.
Jin gave it a try.  Honestly, not bad - it's a lot like chicken satay.
And a first glimpse at Lunenberg, where Jess was about to be spending a lot of time.