Thursday, February 29, 2024

Slappy Has Her First Sophmore Track Meet

 Pole Vault - PR at 6'-6"

Triple Jump - PR at 27-4

100 Meter Hurdles - 20.76 

Long Jump - 14-4 (2nd of 7)

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Madd Max Has A Last NH Morning

Max skated Lake Chocorua.
Even though the ice looked like this.
The winter crew.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Madd Max Hits The Art Departy

Hosted by Kelly and Rhea at the Everson Royce Bar.

Madd Max Skates On Heron Pond

This trip came out of Max's deep desire for the past few years to skate on the lake.
The ice on Lake Chocorua was deemed not to be the best, so the fam headed over to Heron Pond, where Max finally got his wish.
His audience.
After all of the morning's activities, it was time to head the house for a microwaved lunch.
Content diners.
Warming up by the wood stove.
Max rounded out the day at a new sledding spot.  Maddie was very excited to have experienced "natural snow."

Madd Max Embraces The Cold

A full The Farmstand BnB breakfast to start the day.
Ice Angel.
Lake Chocorua.
Morning sledding.
Right thru the blackberry bush.
Also, these are rabbit tracks.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Madd Max Heads Out For A New Hampshire Winter

Early morning flight looks like this.
A little better on the plane.
Evening arrival at Lake Chocorua.
Alan had prepped the wood stove and lights so the house would already be warm.
The view of the path to the lake lit by the full moon.

Madd Max Has Nap Time

When they're not working hard...
They're napping.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

The Scrapper Has His Last Tournament Of The Season

This meant 4 games in 4 days, and team lunch.
The guys played hard with scores of 3-8, 0-16, 0-5 and 1-12. Max was very sad that the season was ending.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Madd Max Goes To Samantha's Baby Shower

The soon-to-be mom, Samantha, Elizabeth and Chase who came along to the party even though it was nap time.
Those ladies are funny.
It's a boy!
Arthur also got in some quality time with Greta alongside his torn ligaments, and those were all the photos Jess got because she forgot what having a toddler is like.

Madd Max Has An All Day Hang

With Chase who met a cat, the same scale he is.
Played a version of catch with his cousin.
And went to the park, twice.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Madd Max Misses The Super Bowl

A quick stop at the Findleys was gotten in before the drive up to Palo Alto for Maddie's annual ear checkup.  Jess and Madd filled up on apps and packed food for the road.
Max and Sam were at his final playoff game in Santa Barbara; they lost 5-2.
Madd did have breakfast brought to her in bed in the morning by Jess.
And had "sushi" aka 2 California rolls for lunch, so it wasn't all terrible for the kid who deplores road trips.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Madd Max Goes To The Art Directors Guild Awards

All of these incredible Daisy artists came out to celebrate.  Look at all of the women representing.
Jess' Set Decorators and Supervising Art Director, Lisa, Andi and Brian.
Red carpet posing.
Sam's hot new tux.
Other Sam's hot new baby.
Some of Jess' favorite people, Brian, Sam, Andrew and Jin.
While Jess and her team didn't win, it was incredible to watch some of her friends take home a trophy.  Sam won for Oppenheimer.
Arthur won for Frasier.
Overall, Adult Prom was a blast.

The Scrapper WINS A Hockey Game

Their first game of the playoffs, and they won against the best seated team 7-3!!!!  
Their first win; not a bad way to round out the season.

Madd Max Gets Northern Visitors

Glenn and Nancy flew in for a quick breakfast hang before heading to Santa Barbara (and then Alaska the following week).

Friday, February 9, 2024

Slappy Has An Art Night

Dropped off at the Art Studio.
To do the thing they love with the crew.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Madd Max Has A Hovering Art Director

 They both have opinions on the mouse moving on the screen.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

The Scrapper Plays On NHL Ice

At the Anaheim Ducks arena.  Final score - 3 to 5.
Then Jess stopped by Kathleen's for a cup of cocoa during the atmospheric river.
Kathleen has a lot of aloe she is caring for.